Properties House and Villas

Dear Customers, in this section of our website you can see all the houses available for sale or rent offered by our company.

If you cannot find what you want, do not hesitate to contact us, we will gladly offer new deals to suit your requirements.

- Sales
- Deferred payment
- Constructed property
- Beach front
Price starts from € 149,283
- Sales
- Deferred payment
- Constructed property
Price starts from € 87,000
- Sales
€ 410,000
- Sales
- Constructed property
€ 410,000
- Sales
- Constructed property
- VIP properties
- Beach front
€ 450,000
- Sales
- VIP properties
- Beach front
€ 175,000
Search for Property
Deferred payment
Off plan projects
Constructed properties
VIP properties
Beach front
Discounted price
Large projects